Motor vehicle surcharges are penalties that are imposed by the New Jersey motor vehicle surcharge violation system. These are penalties that you will not necessarily be advised of in court. They’re not ordered by the judge. Certain offenses in New Jersey, if you are found guilty of them, result in your getting a bill from New Jersey motor vehicle. These can range from as low as $100 a year for three years to in excess of $1,500 a year for three years. Failure to pay these surcharges can result in your license being suspended. Interest and penalties will accrue on top of them that you’ll have to pay in order to get your license restored; and possibly civil actions to collect on them.
It’s very important that, with any traffic matter, you have an experienced attorney review it to let you know of all the penalties you might be facing, including surcharges, so that they can then help you resolve it in the best way possible.
The law firm of Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller, P.C., is composed of experienced traffic and municipal attorneys in the state of New Jersey. Please contact the office
for a free initial consultation and get any questions answered.