Clients often ask me if they need to register their business’s name. The answer is yes. In New Jersey, if your business is making an income in New Jersey, you must register that business’s name. As a practical matter, it is as simple as going to the Department of Treasury’s website, filling out some online forms, and paying a fee. I strongly suggest that you seek professional advice on how to fill out these forms as they are complicated. One small error can result in hundreds if not thousands of dollars in fees and weeks and weeks if not months or possibly even a year in delays. If you do need to register your business’s name, I suggest you seek a New Jersey attorney to do so.
The attorneys at Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller, P.C., are experienced in business law in the state of New Jersey. If your are looking for professional advice and help while registering your business name, please contact the office to set up a free initial consultation.