Although it may not seem likely, accidents in the workplace can occur and leave people injured. These accidents can cause them to be out of work while they heal from their injuries. For these accidents, employees can seek the liability of their employer. However, with workers’ compensation, they will not have to do so. If they collect workers’ compensation, neither the employer or the employee are to blame for the accident that occurred. It is simply an accident. However, if a third party is involved in the accident somehow, the employer can seek their liability for the accident that occurred. For example, if the employee is a construction worker on a job site, they may be using a specific company’s protective equipment. If that equipment is not up to a certain standard and did not properly protect them, they may be able to seek liability on behalf of the company that made or sold them the product. However, this cannot be their employer.
What can I receive after a workplace injury?
Workplace accidents can be detrimental for some people. If you are involved in one, you may become injured. This can lead to a difficult time. If you are unable to work, you may be concerned about where your income will come from. When these situations occur, do not worry. You can look for compensation through workers’ compensation. This can greatly benefit you at this time. A workplace accident may leave you injured and unable to carry out your duties at work. This can provide you with services that you need. When these situations occur, you can be provided with damages.
Damages are considered to be monetary compensation for an accident. After a workplace accident, damages can come in the form of money for your injuries. You can be compensated for medical bills. Since injuries cause you to seek medical attention, you will need to have your injuries attended to. After this, gaining workers’ compensation can allow you to be compensated for your medical bills. When gaining this compensation, you can also have money for lost wages and lost future wages. This can provide you with income while you are unable to work. During these situations, this can greatly benefit an injured individual and their family. It can help get them through their injury until they are healed and ready to head back to work.
The law firm of Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller, P.C., is composed of experienced defense attorneys throughout the state of New Jersey. Please contact the office for a free initial consultation and get any questions answered regarding criminal charges and procedures.