New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers


Accidents happen all the time. If you are involved in an accident of any kind, speak to an attorney to avoid financial and emotional burdens that can last a lifetime. Whether you need to discuss automobile or motorcycle accident, dog bites, a slip and fall injury, or workplace accident; we are here to help. The experienced New Jersey personal injury attorneys at Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller, P.C. are here to assist you through your ordeal and will work diligently to make sure you have the best possible outcome for your legal matter.

Automobile Accidents

Automobile accidents are an everyday occurrence in New Jersey. A car accident occurs about every ten seconds across the nation. If you find yourself a victim of a car accident, you probably have some questions that need answers. What happens after an accident may be a complicated process and speaking with an experienced New Jersey personal injury lawyer will protect you from a number of variables. More

Slip & Fall Injury

If you slip and fall on ice in New Jersey, you should know your rights as a victim. All property owners have an obligation to keep their premises reasonably safe, in spite of the conditions. Obviously, the longer the ice has been there, the more liable a person can be for allowing the ice to be there. More

Workers’ Compensation

If you are injured at work in New Jersey, there are certain things that you should immediately do to protect yourself. After seeking the needed medical care, you should report the injury to your employer. Then either you or employer should report that injury to the workers’ compensation insurance carrier. If you were injured on the job, you have certain rights, assuming that the injury was not intentional or the result of, for example, a fight with another employee. More

Dog Bites

Most dog bite injuries occur on the property of somebody you know, like a friend or relative. In New Jersey, if you are on that person’s property, with their permission, and you are attacked by their dog and injured, you have a right to recover for those injuries. More