In New Jersey, there are laws that hold restaurants and bars responsible if any patrons they served get into an alcohol-related accident. This law, formally titled the New Jersey Licensed Alcoholic Beverage Server Fair Liability Act, states that a person who is licensed to serve alcohol may be considered the negligent party if they continue to serve a patron who is visibly intoxicated or under the age of 21. If the intoxicated person proceeds to drive a motor vehicle and gets into an accident and injures someone, the licensed alcohol server may be held liable for the actions of the intoxicated driver. The intoxicated person can bring a case against the server and sue them for damages if they sustain injuries. The intoxicated driver will have to prove that the server did in fact serve them alcoholic beverages when they were visibly intoxicated and that the injury or property damage was caused by the neglectful service of alcoholic beverages.
This law was put into place to hold establishments that serve alcohol accountable when they prioritize financial gains over the safety of their patrons. It is important for businesses with alcohol licenses to be aware of these laws so they keep their customers safe and protect their license to serve alcohol. If you have questions about liquor liability laws in New Jersey as either an injured person or a business, contact the experienced attorneys at Mattleman Weinroth and Miller to discuss your case.
The law firm of Mattleman, Weinroth & Miller, P.C., is composed of experienced attorneys throughout the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Please contact the office to schedule a free initial consultation and get any questions answered regarding your specific case.