When you purchase a car, new or used, you expect it to run without a problem. However, there are some unfortunate situations where you purchase a car and you find that it has nothing but problems. In the state of New Jersey, there is a law that protects consumers from cars with extensive issues known as the New Jersey Lemon Law. The law applies to both new and used cars. Each has certain qualifications that must be met in order for the car to be considered a lemon.
New Car Lemon Law
Anyone who purchases a brand new vehicle fully expects that there won’t be any issues for years down the road. If your new car has consistent problems, there is a chance it may be a lemon. In order to qualify under the “new car” category, your car must be less than two years old or have a maximum of 24,000 miles. In addition, the car must have been out of service for 20 combined days and have two attempted repairs on the same issue that do not solve the problem.
Used Car Lemon Law
Purchasing a used car can be a little more risky than purchasing a new one. However, with certified pre-owned vehicles, you should be able to trust that there aren’t any major issues. In order to meet the standard for a used car lemon, the car must have had at least three attempts to repair the same issue. In addition, the car must not have been able to be used for 20 cumulative days while the repairs are attempted.
If you believe your new or used car is a lemon, you should consult the dealer, keep a copy of all repair receipts and statements, and then speak to an attorney. You may be eligible for a refund for the purchase of the vehicle and repair costs, attorney’s fees, and more. Contact MWM today for effective legal representation in consumer’s rights matters.